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100 Positive Affirmations

Kait Manson

Change your mindset from negative to positive with these positive affirmations. With 100 affirmations to choose from, print them, cut them and pull them out of a jar each morning to start your day on the right foot. 

Affirmations 1-50

1. I am worthy of financial stability

2. I am constantly improving

3. I will not quit

4. I am focused and persistent

5. I will take action and get things accomplished

6. I am worthy of everything I desire.

7. I inspire others

8. I am making healthy decisions every day

9. I put my energy into things that matter to me.

10. My strength is greater than my struggles

11. I am continually improving and growing myself

12. I give myself permission to do what is right for me.

13. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing

14. I choose to be happy and to love myself today

15. You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing

16. I am proud of myself

17. I am enough

18. Today I choose to be confident

19. I am in charge of my life

20. My mistakes help me learn and grow

21. I can be anything I want to be

22. I am worthy of everything I desire.

23. I am open and ready to learn

24. I am talented and intelligent

25. I believe in my goals and dreams

26. I only compare myself to myself

27. Today is going to be a great day

28. I can make a difference

29. I can get through ANYTHING

30. I will be kind to myself and others

31. I have everything I need right now

32. Every day is a fresh start

33. I believe in myself

34. I am WHOLE

35. I matter

36. I can control my own happiness

37. I am prepared to succeed

38. Anything is possible

39. I am strong and determined

40. My happiness is up to me

41. I am working at my own pace

42. I've got this

43. I am beautiful inside and out

44. I am working on myself

45. I am thankful for today

46. I trust in my decisions

47. Wonderful things are going to happen for me

48. I deserve all good things

49. I possess the qualities I need to be successful

50. I am STRONG

Affirmations 51-100

51. I am creative

52. I have the power to create change

53. I forgive myself for my mistakes

54. I am capable

55. My life is beautiful

56. I am smart

57. I can be a leader

58. I believe in the person I am becoming

59. I choose to be happy

60. I choose to be positive

61. I am becoming more successful everyday

62. My business income is constantly increasing

63. I am worthy of great success

64. I am in love with myself and my body

65. I control my day


67. I am beautiful

68. I feel grateful

69. My day is full of potential

70. I am unstoppable

71. I will accomplish great things

72. I am kind

73. I am grateful for the things I have

74. I will achieve all of my goals

75. My goals are clear and achievable

76. My goals are my focus

77. I will accept nothing but the best

78. I have a growth mindset

79. I follow my dreams

80. Challenges are opportunities to grow, learn and improve

81. I will have a successful career


83. I am happy

84. I feel healthy

85. My only limit is myself

86. I am patient

87. I am prepared for the day ahead

88. I am loved

89. Today is filled with blessings

90. I am moving closer to my dreams

91. I will not compare myself to others

92. I am open and ready to learn

93. I start my day with a positive mindset

94. I strive to do my best every day

95. I am building my future

96. I am proud of all my body does every single day

97. I am worthy of success

98. I can and I will

99. I am comfortable in my skin

100. I am willing to learn

*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything listed above!

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Grab your mugs and let's get komfy!

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